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Threatening letters are sent to four judges of the Lahore High Court.



Following the posting of a comparable article on the Islamabad High Court, three justices of the Lahore High Court (LHC) received menacing letters on Wednesday.

Justices Shujaat Ali Khan, Shahid Bilal, Abid Aziz Sheikh, and Alia Neelam were the recipients of the letters.

Police and the Counterterrorism Department (CTD) arrived to the LHC and increased security.

The courier company employee who delivered the letter was apprehended by police and sent to a secret location for further examination.

Eight justices of the Islamabad High Court received letters containing dangerous chemicals one day ago, and the CTD police were notified of the incident.

The Islamabad High Court judges were threatened by several unidentified suspects, and the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) filed a case against them.

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