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The governor of Punjab promises to confer with all relevant parties before signing a defamation bill.



More stakeholder input on the defamation bill was announced by Punjab Governor Sardar Salim Haider.

On Sunday, representatives of the Joint Action Committee (JAC) made a call to the governor of Punjab to convey the concerns of the journalist community on the contentious law.

Managing Director of Dunya Media Group Naveed Kashif, President of the Lahore Press Club Arshad Ansari, CPNE President Irshad Arif, and former CPNE president Kazim Khan were present at the meeting.

Hafiz Tariq Mehmood, Muhammad Usman, and Imtanan Shahid were also present at the meeting.

Syed Hassan Murtaza, a senior PPP leader from central Punjab, attended the meeting as well.

The governor should take action on this matter, as requested by the representatives of the journalism community, who voiced their worries about the defamation bill.

The JAC representatives stated that the defamation measure is against the freedom of expression and is intended to muzzle the voice of the media.

The governor declared, “We would take all the stakeholders into confidence regarding the contentious provisions of the bill.”

The governor went on to say that he would not sign the legislation until he had additional discussions with all parties involved.

Syed Hassan Murtaza, the PPP leader, declared, “We are standing with the media and we do not support this bill in its current form.”

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