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The government is powerless in the face of K-electric, claims Ali Khursheedi



He claimed that everyone in the house expressed their opinion that K-electric has made life in the city into hell and that a resolution addressing the issue has also been presented.

The leader of MQM claimed that because the power company lacks a system to stop power theft, all of its customers are penalised for the actions of a small number of offenders.

Khursheedi stated, “It is the utility’s responsibility to stop power theft, but they have no system in place to do so; instead, they punish the entire community with load shedding for the small number of offenders who commit crimes.” “Perhaps the innocent parties ought not to face consequences,” he pleaded.

The head of the opposition claimed that the arrangement with K-electric did not include the province government. He declared, “The government has been powerless in the face of them because they are so powerful.”

He continued, saying the electricity company was ill-prepared to address the matter and was imposing load shedding for 15 to 18 hours in every part of the city due to the warmth.

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