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Rescheduled hearing on appeals against NA-47 and NA-48 rigging in Islamabad



The election tribunal canceled the cause list for the appeal hearing on the alleged manipulation of the NA-47 constituency in Islamabad.

The cancellation of the cause list for the hearing on the electoral appeal was reportedly brought about by Justice Tariq Mahmood Jahangiri’s and four other judges’ attendance at a conference in Gilgit-Baltistan and the lack of a substitute judge.

June 12 has been set aside for the appeal hearing.

In a similar vein, the election appeal hearing pertaining to Islamabad’s NA-48 is scheduled for June 13.

Both appeals now have updated cause lists available.

Notably, the electoral appeal for NA-47’s constituency was originally set for today, Wednesday, while the appeal for NA-48’s constituency was set for June 6 (Thursday).

Shoaib Shaheen submitted the NA-47 appeal, while Ali Bukhari of the PTI filed the NA-48 appeal.

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