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PM Says Government’s Efforts Are Putting the Economy on a Growth Trajectory While Hosting Dinner in Honor of Parliamentarians



In appreciation for their collaboration on government matters, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif hosted a luncheon on Monday for lawmakers from different political parties.

He emphasized that the government’s successful economic policies were demonstrated by the inflation slowing down to 9.6% in August 2024.

“It is good news for the country that the economic experts are predicting further decline in the inflation rate this month,” he stated, bringing up the fact that in 2018 they had left the government with a single-digit inflation rate.

The prime minister credited the country’s economic growth to the measures taken by his previous administration in April 2022 to prevent the nation from going into default. Through their efforts, the economic team was able to stabilize the economy and set it on a path of growth.

Members of the government’s affiliated parties from the National Assembly and Senate were present at the event.

Assuming the role of Khadim-e-Pakistan, the prime minister stated that he had pledged to the people that he would do everything within his power to alleviate their concerns.

He said that the country could not flourish to its full potential if the average person’s life was not made easier, even as the benefits of economic changes were beginning to trickle down to the populace.

The prime minister stated that the administration was taking action to give the lowest-income groups in society the most assistance possible with relation to the power tariffs.

According to him, the government offices had begun the process of right-sizing and downsizing in order to cut costs.

In order to lead the nation out of its economic predicament, the prime minister stated that cooperation across all parties is necessary, even as she emphasized the importance of political stability and policy continuity.

He also denounced the unsuitable language that last night’s political party leaders employed.

He stated that although terrorism had been virtually eradicated in the nation under the direction of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, it was regrettably making a comeback in some regions of the nation. Still, he swore to remove the threat once more.

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