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Noticing the court closure, LHC issues an order for impenetrable security.



Concerns over court closures and case hearing suspensions have been brought up by Chief Justice Shehzad Ahmed Khan of the Lahore High Court (LHC).

In a letter to the authorities, LHC CJ has brought attention to the situation.

The Punjab Interior Minister received a letter from the LHC expressing dismay over law enforcement forces’ disregard for court orders. Copies of the letter were also forwarded to the Punjab Inspector General (IG) and the Lahore Chief City Police Officer (CCPO).

Court closures should never be permitted, the letter stressed, claiming that doing so would constitute a threat to the rule of law.

It was instructed to the Punjab IG and Lahore CCPO to make sure that every court had impenetrable security.

Contrasting it with contempt of court, the LHC denounced the LHC Bar secretary’s action to forcibly halt case proceedings.

The LHC Bar secretary and other parties involved were not subject to contempt proceedings, according to the letter, demonstrating the court’s forbearance.

In closing, the letter expressed hope that court attacks would stop in the future, highlighting the importance of a safe and continuous legal system.

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