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Mshaikh and Ulema Conference. Fed Ministers: Those Taking Up Arms Against The State Are Terrorists



Those who pick up weapons against the government are terrorists and would face harsh consequences, according to Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and Minister of Religious Affairs Chaudhry Salik Hussain.

Speaking at the Ulema and Mshaikh Conference in Islamabad, they said that the country’s laws and constitution forbade terrorism committed in the name of religion or Islam and that anyone who engage in such mischievous activities will face consequences.

They claimed that since we are all Pakistanis, Pakistan comes first and that September 6 is a day of sacrifice and triumph for all Pakistanis.

According to them, terrorists are sowing discord and division in the guise of religion, but everyone has the opportunity to turn in their weapons and no one will be permitted to take up guns against the government.

People who support the state will be granted amnesty, but those who criticise it will face consequences in the form of force.

They declared that the proposals and advice of Mshaikh and the Ulema will be put into practice in order to eradicate terrorism in the nation.

We must safeguard and defend Pakistan, according to Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, Chairman of the Central Royiat-e-Hilal Committee, and anyone who picks up guns against the government is a terrorist.

According to him, Islam forbids terrorism, extremism, and suicide assaults, and religious scholars have given a definitive declaration against them.

Abdul Khabeer Maulana All religious and philosophical academies should collaborate to put an end to terrorism.

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