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IHC forbids DC Islamabad from traveling overseas



Judge Babar Sattar of the IHC made rulings during a case involving the September arrests of PTI leaders Sheharyar Afridi and Shandana Gulzar.

Additionally, the federal capital of DC was served with a show-cause notice by the court, requiring him to respond by Monday.

Additionally, it had turned down the DC’s sincere apologies for disobeying the court orders.

Judge: “This was stupidity on your part. You issued 67 maintenance of public orders (MPO) for the detention of 970 days.” You will now have to deal with the fallout.

DC Islamabad declared, “Next week, I will announce the verdict.”

The deputy commissioner must be arrested and brought before the high court in this matter, per an order from the IGPs of Islamabad and all four provinces.

During the case hearing, Justice Babar Sattar indicted Jamil Zafar, the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) operations, Superintendent Farooq Buttar, and Station House Officer (SHO) Nasir Manzoor.

Shehryar Afridi, the leader of the PTI, had his arrest warrants previously annulled by the IHC under the maintenance of public order (MPO) clause, and his immediate release was mandated.

In accordance with Section 3 of the MPO Ordinance, 1960, Afridi was initially taken into custody on May 16 from his home in Islamabad. Not long after being released from prison, on May 30, he was detained again under the same section.

In Afridi’s case, the court also accused three other people, including capital Deputy Commissioner (DC) Irfan Nawaz Memon, for contempt.

In addition to expressing their complete regret to the court, DC Memon and SSP Zafar entered not guilty pleas to the accusations. Additionally, SHO Naseer Manzoor and SP Farooq Buttar were charged by the court with contempt of court; both men refuted the allegations.

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