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Government and Military Leadership Come Together To Address Energy Crisis



Effective steps have been taken to control the energy problem by the government and military leadership.

In lieu of using coal and furnace oil for energy generation, emphasis is being placed under the auspices of SIFC on the importance of Hydel Power, Solar Energy, and Wind Energy.

150 MW of solar electricity has been installed in Sukkur as part of SIFC initiatives. In Hunza, a 1-MW solar power plant has also been established through public-private collaborations.

A solar plant with more than 2300 solar panels that produces 1600 mw of electricity a year is situated 250 metres above sea level. By producing sustainable energy, this project may reduce yearly emissions of carbon equivalent by 1100 metric tonnes.

The country has committed over $10 billion in funding for the construction of a new oil refinery through cooperation with the Special Investment Facilitation Council.

Additionally, the government has started initiatives in the energy sector, like the construction of a 5-KW double-circuit transmission line, the 132 MW hydropower project on the River Panj, the Diamer Bhasha Project, and solar power projects in Punjab.

Initiatives in the petroleum industry are being used to investigate oil and gas prospects in coastal and maritime areas. With the special investment facilitation council, investments of $5–$6 billion are anticipated.

This batch of projects includes recent agreements with National, Attock, and Pakistan Oil Refineries. The United States, China, and the Gulf countries are expected to make investments soon as a result of these projects, which are boosting trust among investors worldwide.

The country is developing on a positive trajectory under the direction of the government and military leadership.

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