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Forecast for Eid-ul-Azha 2024 by the Met Office



Heat waves are expected nationwide in the days leading up to Eid-ul-Azha, according to the Meteorological Department. On the bright side, rain showers following the holiday can bring some much-needed relief.

Possibly signaling the start of the monsoon season earlier than usual, two waves of precipitation are predicted to hit the nation by the month’s end in June.

A meteorologist named Irfan Work predicted that the nation would be in for scorching temperatures all day long on Eid.

Rain is expected after Eid, which would bring welcome relief from the scorching heat. At the tail end of June, the Meteorological Department predicts that two sets of rain will hit the nation.

It is expected that the monsoon season will arrive early in Pakistan, which could result in more rainfall and milder weather.

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