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Families of the martyrs reflect on the painful anniversary of the May 9 tragedy.



As the country commemorates the one-year anniversary of the tragic events on May 9, the families of the fallen heroes continue to deal with profound grief and pain.

Loved ones of the martyrs spoke with tears in their eyes about the events that occurred that fateful day.

“It’s heartbreaking to think how certain individuals could inflict such harm on our beloved country on May 9,” Major Hilal Ahmad’s son lamented, echoing the sentiments of many.

The desecration of martyr memorials was especially painful. “The disrespect shown towards the memorials of our fallen heroes is simply unfathomable,” Major Hilal Ahmad’s son said, his voice filled with sorro

For many, the attacks on military installations and subsequent desecration of memorials were a betrayal of their loved ones’ sacrifices. “My father dedicated his life to serving our nation, but his sacrifices were tainted by the actions of a few,” Major Hilal Ahmad’s son lamented, his pain palpable.

Captain Hafiz Islam’s daughter expressed similar disbelief and hurt over the May 9 events. “Did our martyrs’ sacrifices mean nothing?” she asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

Despite the pain and sorrow, there is a strong desire to honor the fallen heroes’ legacy. “I will make my father’s name shine by following in his footsteps and joining the Pakistan Army,” Captain Hafiz Islam’s daughter declared, unwavering in her resolve.

Lance Naik Imdad Ali’s father issued a strong condemnation of the attack on the Martyrs Memorial, calling for those responsible to be held accountable. “We cannot let the sacrifices of our heroes be forgotten or disrespected,” he emphasized, his words carrying the weight of a father’s grief.

As the families of the martyrs reflect on the events of May 9, their pain is tempered by a profound sense of pride in the sacrifices made by their loved ones. “Our son died for this country, and we will forever be proud of his martyrdom,” Lance Naik Imdad Ali’s father affirmed, his voice filled with solemn pride.

The desecration of the memorials remains a painful memory for many. “It was agonizing to witness the disrespect shown towards the memorials of our loved ones,” expressed Naib Subidar Mohammad Nadeem’s daughter, her voice trembling with emotion.

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