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At the 981st Annual Urs of Data Ganj Baksh, Naqvi extends a warm welcome to devotees who have traveled from all over the world.



Data Darbar in Lahore was visited by the Minister of the Interior, Mohsin Naqvi, in order for him to participate in the second day of Urs.

Flower arrangements and a Chadar were placed on the shrine by him. Praying for the growth of the nation and the prosperity of its people, Mohsin Naqvi prayed for both. He also prayed for the Muslims who were being persecuted in Palestine and Kashmir, which was under occupation.

The rehabilitation project of DATA DARBar was also inspected by Mohsin Naqvi, and Secretary Auqaf Punjab provided a briefing on the project and briefed on the progress that has been made.

Mohsin Naqvi extended a warm welcome to the devotional followers who had traveled from all across the nation and the world.

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