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Terror incidents: The message from Swat is loud and clear



Massive protests have erupted in the beautiful valley of Swat – against militancy and terrorism, as thousands of people took to the streets of the largest city of Swat district and commercial and industrial hub, Mingora, on Monday October 10.

This mass mobilization is an encouraging sign, showing the current mood against militancy and reactionary groups. The people are very obviously saying that they are not ready to accept the return of militancy and terrorism. While the people have learnt the necessary lessons based on their past experience, it is not clear how long it will take for our policymakers to learn these lessons.

The message from Swat is loud and clear: the people want peace, development and prosperity. They do not want the return of the Taliban, and of terrorism and destruction in their areas.

The people of Swat are not ready to accept the return of a reign of terror in their lives. The memory and trauma of the horror, destruction and terror experienced by the people during the Taliban insurgency from 2006 to 2009 is still there. The Swat, that was known for its natural beauty, pristine springs, waterfalls, orchards, lakes and lush green mountains was turned into a living hell by TTP militants. Innocent people were killed, girls’ education banned, hotels blown up and the local economy ruined. The people of the area lost their livelihoods. They do not want to go back to that dark period again and are determined to resist the return of militancy in their areas. They want peace in their lives and they paid a heavy price for this peace.

The recent protests were triggered by the killing of a van driver who was shot dead and two schoolchildren injured in a targeted attack on Monday morning in the Gulibagh area of Charbagh Tehsil. Working people, lawyers, traders, teachers, students, political activists and young people came out on the streets in huge numbers and expressed their anger against militancy and target killings. Protests are also taking place in some other districts of KP province against terrorism and target killings.

This is not the first time the people of Swat and other districts have responded to terrorism recently with massive demonstrations. The recent demonstrations are the second wave of protests in Swat and surrounding districts. The first wave of protests erupted in August this year when militants emerged in Tehsil Mata and Kabal of Swat district and incidents of target killings increased. As a result, thousands of people took to the streets in Swat and Lower Dir districts, voicing their concern at what seems to be a possible re-emergence of Taliban militants.

The recent incidents of target killings and terrorism have once again created doubts and fears. Thousands of local people depend on tourism for their livelihood. The reports of a possible return of the TTP have managed to spread fear among the local people and tourists. Tourism and terrorism cannot go hand in hand.

The people of KP in general and Swat in particular suffered a lot as a result of the Taliban insurgency from 2006 to 2009. Women suffered even more; girls’ schools were closed and destroyed; and Swat under the Taliban was converted into a killing field.

The people of Swat suffered a lot during the TTP rule and the subsequent operations. Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes. The Taliban had established a reign of terror in Swat. The military launched an operation to flush out the Taliban and restore the writ of the Pakistani state in the Malakand division. The Pakistan Army had conducted military operations Rahe Raast and Rahe Haq from 2007 to 2009 to retake control of Swat.

The fears expressed by the people are not completely baseless. These are based on past experience, a time to which the people are not ready to go back – a dark age of destruction, killings, repression. They want peace and prosperity in their area and are justified in their concerns.

It is the responsibility of the state to maintain law and order and to provide protection and peaceful living. The KP government needs to take a clear position on this sensitive issue. The government shouldn’t appear apologetic and the state must act to maintain peace and protect its people.

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Honours From The Families Of The Martyrs: September 1965’s Heroes Are Recalled




Pakistan marks the anniversary of the day the Pakistani Army defeated an enemy attack and won a major victory on September 6. On this day of defence, the families of the war martyrs from 1965 offered their opinions:

The soldiers’ actions in demolishing enemy tanks with explosives and their bravery in the dark were commended by Shaheed Sepoy Muhammad Haleem’s brother. He gave the 1965 martyrs his respects.

The significance of Defence Day is remembered for the martyrs, as stressed by Shaheed Sepoy Shahid Ahmed’s uncle. The brother of Shaheed Sepoy Aftab Hussain offered gratitude to everyone who has given their life in defence of the nation.

In addition to emphasising the value of encouraging rather than criticising the troops, Shaheed Sepoy Wazir Ahmed’s brother praised the soldiers for foiling the enemy’s schemes.

Javed Ahmed, Shaheed Lance Naik’s cousin, emphasised September 6th’s significance as a day of victory.

In addition to expressing support for the Pakistani Army today, the brother of Shaheed Havaldar Shafiq reiterated their dedication to remembering the dead of September 6, 1965.

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The Finance Minister has pledged to attract foreign investments by creating an environment that is friendly to business.




In a recent statement, Pakistan’s Minister of Finance Muhammad Aurangzeb reaffirmed the country’s unwavering dedication to luring international investments by preserving an atmosphere that is commercially encouraging.

A group of international investors, led by Amin Mohammad Khowaja, the Chief Executive Officer of J.P. Morgan Pakistan, had visited him in Islamabad. He was speaking with them.

Muhammad Aurangzeb also provided further information regarding the ambitious structural reforms program of the government. This agenda aims to strengthen the general macroeconomic stability by widening the tax base, rightsizing the public sector, promoting privatization, and reforming the energy sector.

The Minister of Finance emphasized the great achievements that Pakistan has made in strengthening its macroeconomic indicators, such as the increase in exports by 14 percent, the decrease in inflation to 9.6 percent, which is the lowest level in 34 months, and an overall decrease in the current account deficit among Pakistan’s economic indicators.

It was also brought to his attention that Pakistan’s sovereign credit ratings had improved, which is indicative of a stable and encouraging economic future. According to him, the rigorous fiscal discipline, inflation management, and favorable balance of payments that the country has are the pillars upon which the country’s economic prosperity.

In addition to expressing confidence regarding the potential for larger investment flows into Pakistan, the delegation praised the efforts that the government has made to establish an atmosphere that is conducive to business.

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Journalists require training. Media professionals who have received training can serve as ambassadors. Tarar




According to Information Minister Atta Ullah Tarar, journalists must possess sufficient skills in order to serve as ambassadors for the country, particularly in the digital realm, to foster unity among people. This is a pressing requirement at present.

During an event in Islamabad focused on journalist training, Atta Ullah Tarrar, the Minister responsible for combating misinformation, stated his official role.

The Information Minister emphasized the indispensability of technology for achieving prosperity, and in line with this, the Government has implemented Pakistan’s inaugural digital land registry system.

Tarar stated that we have the privilege of initiating Pakistan’s inaugural safe city project.

Regarding verification and authentication, the Information Minister lamented the lack of a method to validate information.

According to the Information Minister, terrorist organizations are utilizing social media platforms. Additionally, the minister highlighted that the country’s economy is delicate, and the dissemination of a single false news item might result in significant economic losses for the nation.

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