
ADB Introduces ‘Glaciers To Farms’ Initiative to Address Food Security



Notwithstanding the devastating effects of rapid glacial melt brought on by climate change, the Asian Development Bank has introduced a new regional initiative called “glaciers to farms” that would support sustainable water usage and food security in Pakistan, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia.

The bank will carry out risk assessments of glacial melt in Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan with assistance from the Green Climate Fund’s Project preparation facility. This will serve as the scientific and technical foundation for the program that converts glaciers into farms.

Since the region’s temperatures are expected to climb by as much as 6 degrees Celsius by 2100, the loss of glacier mass puts the delicate ecosystem balance in jeopardy, endangering the water supply for hydropower and agriculture as well as the livelihoods of over 380 million people.

Up to 3.5 billion dollars from ADB, GCF, governments, development partners, and the private sector are anticipated to be mobilised for Glaciers to Farms, contingent upon board approvals from participating institutions.

The program will provide assistance to populations at risk from glacial melt, especially in mountainous areas, in addition to investments in agriculture and water.


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