Instant messaging app WhatsApp has been introducing new features for its users in the last few days and is introducing another update called “new camera mode”, WaBetaInfo reported Wednesday. WhatsApp...
Dealers say no letup in dollar demand from importers. LCs up to $100,000 expected to be cleared by end of week. Governor SBP forex reserves statement...
ISPR says cross fire took place on the night of November 15-16. Weapon, ammunition also recovered from killed terrorist. Security forces are carrying out sanitisation of...
Maryam asks Imran Khan to provide receipts for sale of gifts. Attaullah Tarar hints at criminal proceedings against former PM. Regrets unique gift was not meant...
“Let them do what they want,” Khan says. PTI chief claims Toshakhana watch sold in Islamabad. Khan says “good relations” to be maintained with US. LAHORE:...